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In astrology, “trine” means being the favourable astrological aspect of two celestial bodies. This is when they are 120 degrees apart. Another way to look at it is that the planets are in perfect harmony or flow. This aspect is very powerful and undoubtably has a major influence on the “Soul”. When planets are in trine it is a good omen, but it can be taken for granted and not fully appreciated. The trine can be between planets of the same element (fire, earth, air, and water). But it can also be between planets in different signs. The orb of the planets is an important point to understand. When you think of orbs you probably think of crystal balls. In astrology, orbs are directly connected with the aspects. The ‘orb’ is the margin of influence that an aspect has to still be an influence over a sign. The orb is therefore important for each of the aspects: conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition, as well as the minor aspects of semi-sextile, semi-square, sesquiquadrate, quincunx, and quintile. Orbs are measured in degrees, the smaller the orb, the greater and more significant the influence of the aspect is. The orb is up to 8 degrees for a “wide orb,” but more potent at 5 and under. The week begins with somewhat contradictory messages as there is a Lunar Grand Trine that encourages extroversion and communication, while a Lunar T-square makes all mundane tasks even more tedious. Try your hardest to arrange your more dynamic tasks and meetings for today. This really is the kind of day for focusing on the positives and ignoring the negatives. Tuesday makes the request that you swallow your pride and suspend your ego, so giving you the opportunity to work together with your colleagues as a team. If you are able to achieve this it will illustrate the adage that the whole will be greater than the sum of its separate parts. Tuesday is also an excellent day for spontaneity, especially when it comes to romance. Doing something unplanned and surprising can bring couples much closer to each other. However, for singles or dating relationships there is a potential for the relationship to transcend into something long-term. Wednesday is not looking good for thinking so you will need to be extra aware so that you don’t make any poor decisions that may well be based on inaccurate information. Another possibility is that someone is manipulating you or trying to put you on a guilt-trip in order to get you to do something that would not be in your best interests. Thursday brings much better prospects when it comes to making commitments as your logic and insights will be especially sharp. This is also an excellent day for problemsolving, backed up by your logical reasoning and insights bringing pertinent facts into clear vision. If you have recently mbarked on a new relationship, you may find that you want to keep it private for a while longer as there might be friends who wish to derail this situation. Remember that if you are satisfied with the way the relationship is going, then you need not worry about anybody else or their opinions. The weekend gives you the opportunity to relax, particularly on Sunday, which is a particularly lazy day and you may wish to spend a cozy afternoon lounging in your own home. What a lovely way to wrap up the week.
The Moon trine Mercury transit is an important sign that you must see things more clearly. Your intuitive side balances your rational thought processes and should give you acute perceptive skills; as long as you keep an open and balanced mind. You should be able to read others easily and quickly assess any situation. You need to be in touch with your feelings to provide sound judgment and decision-making skills. Socialising with friends and family is more important than usual. You will be able to connect more intimately, which bodes well for making friends and taking new relationships to the next level. This is a good time for public speaking or writing, sharing your thoughts and feelings, and any type of communication which feels right to you. More personal discussions will also go well if you seize the day. Whether that be your special person, friend, spiritual advisor or some other mentor, such as a counsellor. Pay particular attention to your dreams they may be vivid and informative. You may learn something about your childhood or family history. Your intuitive or psychic powers may be enhanced. In general, meetings with family members, especially women, will be harmonious and nourishing. Moon trine Jupiter transit brings good feelings, happiness, emotional growth and selfunderstanding. Adding to a great day as outlined above. Don't be afraid to share your feelings with loved ones, you will enter a state of flow and everything will be easy. Your good mood will increase your popularity so be sociable. You may also decide to have a more relaxed attitude and, if so, that spa day with the girls or a simple coffee could be the plan for the day. If you love the arts and crafts indulge for a few hours as your creativity and imagination will be superb today. Venus moves into Scorpio. Venus is about relationships. Scorpio is about passion. Supporting whatever action you chose to take. Moon square Mars transit gives an insatiable need to meet your passionate desires.
Key Points:Moon trine Uranus transit lowers your inhibitions, so express your feelings openly. It also gives you greater freedom. Take this as a reason to bring positive change and excitement to your life. You won't be disappointed. You may feel anticipation that something great is about to happen. Maybe take a chance to ask someone out on a date. Chance encounters are possible. If you feel like a thrill "just do it". This is a time to break unhealthy relationships so take action if that is what you feel is needed. Stop being patient today. This is a perfect day to take action. Mars trine Saturn transit will give you the strength, ambition, and perseverance to take on the hardest of tasks. This is an excellent transit to follow through on something you are passionate about. You may experience increased sex drive and sex appeal which are both good omens for new and existing relationships. This is also an excellent time to consecrate or formalise a partnership. Commit today, you will not regret it. Moon opposite Neptune transit increases your emotional sensitivity. Your intuition and psychic ability may be negatively influenced by your subconscious fears and are likely to be inaccurate. Be aware of this as it could drag down the positives of today. Avoid drink, drugs and those vices which will harm you. Do those things that make you feel better, help a friend, help a stranger. This will counteract those negative aspects. Sing in the shower, walk bare foot on frosted grass … go on I dare you! Take a cold shower - those natural endorphins are better than any artificial pharmaceutical interventions. Your body is the best apothecary. Of course, it's been designed by a supreme power and this ultimate power is the best at everything.
Key Points:The Moon trine Mercury transit again today as it did on Monday. So, it is an important sign that you must see things more clearly, use your intuition to balance rational thought processes. Keep an open and balanced mind. You should be able to read others easily and quickly assess any situation. The moon also moves into Libra. When the Moon is in this accommodating sign, you will feel a little bit more focused on creating tranquillity, beauty, and harmony. Libra creates balance and also seeks imbalance and destroys it. Don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to play peacemaker during this transit. If you meet obstacles or resistance, you'll be able to navigate around it as if you expected it to happen. Libra's natural skills of diplomacy and negotiation will aid this process. During today the Moon squares Mercury and can create disagreement. You may feel very opinionated and care little about what others think. However, don't preach, keep your thoughts to yourself. As this time will soon pass, be patient and wait to feel the change. If you feel wound up like a coiled spring take action to release this negative energy, a task involving mental effort (a puzzle, crossword or similar). Try and keep calm, meditate, absorb yourself in routine chores around the house.
Key Points:Moon sextile Mars transit gives passion for work and play. Chose to pursue your strongerthan-usual desires for intimacy with your incredibly special person, friend, or family member. If you're single, look out for a new love. Be brave as you may meet someone who appreciates your drive, initiative, and courage. Bravery comes naturally now, and you could satisfy an inner primal need by fighting for a worthy cause. Moon sextile Sun transit gives a feeling of inner balance and a sense of harmony and contentment with life. Those around you may be hot and bothered, especially with their preparations for Christmas, you will stay cool and be able to manage any drama. This is a suitable time to sort through any recent personal or relationship problems. You can see both sides of the story in a fair and balanced way. Moon sextile Sun transit is the ideal time to enjoy intimacy with your partner or to share in the communal emotional highs of a dance party. Your life will be enhanced through all kinds of social contact. Mercury trine Jupiter transit brings optimism and good news. Something really exiting may happen today.
Key Points:Moon square Mercury can bring disagreement because of parochialism or moodiness. Don't worry if you didn't take the action you wanted to take yesterday. Perhaps today you should "park it" for a while. You may feel very opinionated and care little about what others think. However, this is not a good time to preach and tell others how they should think or act. This battle between thoughts and feelings should be largely internalised. This may seem contrary to most psychological advice, but there are exceptions and today is one of those times. Be patient and play a waiting game, the early bird often gets a worm but today the wise owl will wait. Your emotional biases may influence your thoughts, and your intellectual reasoning may affect your feelings about a person or subject. The best use of this nervous energy is hard mental work, and you can critically examine both sides as you perfect your ideas. Otherwise, this is an excellent time to tidy up at home. You are in the right frame of mind for feeding and cleaning children while getting ahead on routine chores around the house. Regardless of what your Moon sign is, for a couple of days each month we will all feel the influence of the Scorpio Moon. This means you'll react a little more sharply, quite probably using that "stinger" Scorpio tail. Today "uncock" your tail. The Moon in Scorpio isn't known for being low-key! Try to understand others; motivation today and be forgiving. You will thank yourself tomorrow. Don't be surprised if you have a few light bulb moments during this time. Moon trine Saturn transit gives the patience and emotional strength to handle sensitive or complex relationship issues. Others may come to you for advice on a personal matter or just for a shoulder to cry on. Be honest and say, "I don't know, but I know a man who may", people respect humility, never tell someone what to do. Seek advice from an elder or wise woman. Your memories and dreams may also guide your feelings on any subject. This is an excellent time to visit your parents and grandparents or pay respect to your ancestors. You will feel drawn to the past and gain a lot of satisfaction by flicking through old photos and keepsakes. Visit a museum or collect some antiques.
Key Points:Moon conjunct Venus transit brings peace and harmony. Moon opposite Jupiter transit brings good feelings, generosity, but potential for lack of self-control and attracting unwanted attention. Moon sextile Mercury transit is good for socialising because it puts you in the mood for talking. Venus opposite Jupiter transit is good for loving, partying, and indulging, so long as you can afford the time and money to do so. You will feel emotional, caring, and loving. These 4 aspects are perfectly aligned to create an amazing Saturday. So maybe relax with loved ones, maybe party. Today would be a perfect day to find love but be cautious as your increased popularity and charisma may attract the wrong person. Making friends will come easy. You may have a good eye for a bargain but will tend to spend based on emotional reactions rather than common sense. Buying fashion, cosmetics, and jewellery is favoured, as is getting a haircut or any other kind of pampering. You may find enjoyment in entertaining, cooking and caring for others. This is an excellent time to decorate your house or beautify your surroundings, such as planting flowers in your garden for leisure activities, entertainment, or amusements. However, you should avoid overindulging in food or drink and take extra care if using your credit card. If you are shy, this is a good transit for sharing your feelings and opening up to your loved ones. This transit will be more problematic if you already have difficulty with self-control or addiction. You may react to other people's possessive or jealous behaviour by subconsciously falling into harmful habits and behaviours. You may also become emotionally upset or feel out of sorts. This could be due to concerns about your future or questioning your belief system, but it can also be for reasons you are unaware of. This unsettling feeling in your stomach can be another trigger for excessive behaviours such as overeating or substance abuse. A lack of self-discipline and motivation to work means the timing of this transit is critical in how you handle it. If you have saved all year and this transit falls in your planned vacation time, then fantastic. You can relax, enjoy life to the fullest, and easily make friends.
Key Points:Today your ability to balance the yin and the yang will be tested. Be patient and realise you will always be tested. That's part of the journey of growth. There are only three certainties in life; death, taxes and continued growth/change. There are two certainties in death; your soul will go on and you will constantly grow or be destroyed. Today the Moon opposite Uranus transit creates a strong need for independence which contradicts the need for emotional support. This may lead to confusion, uncertainty, emotional detachment and your mood may swing like a pendulum. Your subconscious may cause you to act differently, spontaneous and feel a need for change. But this may not be the right time for significant changes in direction or lifestyle. This is, maybe, a time for being patient and preparing for a new cycle. Realise you can be adaptable and if unexpected events, or chance encounters, happen, do not be impulsive. Your home life and intimate relationships, especially with women, may be most affected. This, however, will be balanced by the Moon trine Jupiter transit which will bring good feelings, joy, growth and self-understanding. It should make sharing your feelings with loved ones very easy. Your good mood and increased popularity make this an excellent time for socialising. Emotional comfort and support may come from your family and friends, or someone may come to you for emotional support. Intimate relationships will benefit from your honesty and openness to share your vulnerabilities. Remember we all can wear a cloak of invisibility to hide our fears and vulnerabilities. Don't be afraid to take off this cloak be brave and you will be rewarded. New relationships are possible and will be based on genuine qualities. Mutual respect and understanding could lead to very successful personal and business partnerships, engage your unconditional love for those things and persons who are important to you.
Key Points:This week’s card from the Major Arcana is the Hanged Man in recognition of the planet Jupiter ending its retrograde period on 6 December 2023. Neptune started its retrograde movement on 30 June 2023 and has spent the entire period in the star sign of Pisces. Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and both represent very similar qualities of idealism, compassion and spirituality but, on the flip side, you may experience confusion, deceit, guilt and doubt. This means the energies emitted by Neptune can cause you to have clouded thoughts and/or judgment that, in turn, make it more difficult to see the true situation and events. When a planet goes retrograde it appears to be travelling backwards when viewed from Earth. However, this is an optical illusion as no planets actually move backwards in its orbit. Rather it is the symbolism of the backwards motion that matters to the astrological interpretation. Astrologically speaking, when Neptune is in its retrograde movement, our compassionate look turns inwards and you are able to be a little kinder, tolerant and more forgiving of yourself. From the 6 December 2023, Neptune turns direct again and it is the time to enable the compassion and selflessness to form a pool that will extend out into the wider world. We must also consider the sign through which Neptune is transiting when we look at how the end of its retrograde motion is likely to affect us. Neptune has been residing in Pisces since 2012 and will remain there until 2025. Turning attention now to The Hanged Man with its associations to Neptune and spirituality, intuition, dreams and confusion, it is a very apt correlation. The name Neptune originates from the Roman times, whereas in the Greek era, the name ascribed was Poseidon. Items associated with Neptune include tridents and dolphins. The Hanged Man can indicate an upcoming spiritual awakening or realisation, along with a time of confusion regarding the uncertainty around your direction. This is very common during a time of transition when the future pathway has opened up but you may still be clinging to the familiar path that you are used to.
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